Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hooded Merganser's - Bay Farm Island Lagoon, Alameda, Ca

 Hooded Merganser- Male

 Hooded Merganser- Female and Male

I've fallen deeply and madly in love with Hooded Mergansers. To the delight of locals, these migrants have been seen for several weeks touring the Bay Farm Island Lagoon in Alameda; observers have noted as many as four pair. They are striking couples. The males with their bold bright eyes set against black feathers, and the females displaying muted brown tones, and chestnut eyes with spectacular crowns. There is a lot of beauty and entertainment packed into these small ducks. Whether diving or preening, they are a joy to observe. 

These photos were taken on the footbridge near 400 Channing Way at Cove on Bay Farm Island.

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